Making a Difference and Having Fun!
Volunteers Needed for The Beaches Green Market & Community Gardens
The Beaches Green Market & Community Gardens Needs You!
Do you believe that healthy food is essential for ALL individuals and families?
Then come on out and volunteer with the Beaches Green Market &/or Community Gardens on Saturdays between 8:30am – 2:00pm for the green market or 9:00 am – 12:00 Noon for the community gardens.
If you share our love of local food and vibrant public spaces, we’d love to hear from you. Our volunteers come from many walks of life: market shoppers, dedicated foodies, students, professionals, chefs and restaurant staff, neighborhood activists, gardeners, high schoolers looking for community hours and others who want to share their talents and time by helping the organization strengthen and sustain the local food economy.
Volunteers help with setup and breakdown, parking, work at the Welcome Tent distributing information and assist with kids activities, weeding and some plant installation. We also need contributors to assist with policy decision-making process through our Community Advisory Team and work on many other tasks vital to our effort to build a strong local food community.
Here’s what our volunteer team needs:
- Greeters: stationed at the Entrance to educate customers of our protocols, and assist with vendor location.
- Parking Attendants: assist customers in parking in specified areas, guide customers to entrance and greeter’s.
- Flow Controllers: assist with customer flow both in and out of the market area. Ensure people are practicing social distancing and offer help where needed.
- Plant Installation & Weeding: Community Gardens beds and area weeding & cleanup of beds and installation of new plants, with mulching.
Overall Responsibilities:
- Be willing to wear a face covering, and a Dig Local T-Shirt
- Orange vests for parking assistants will be provided
- Maintain open communication with market leaders
- Arrive on time and healthy.
- If you’re not feeling well, we need you to stay home and get better!
- Be respectful and courteous
Hours: 3 Shifts for Green Market
8:30am – 11:30am or 11:30am – 2:30pm or 8:30am – 2:30pm
Hours for Community Gardens
9:00 am – 12:00 Noon
Perks of Volunteering:
We’re offering you a $5 Beaches Green Market Vouchers to be used at the market. You can redeem this voucher at any time during the 2023-2024 Season.
We are also offering you a Dig Local Network Tie-Dyed T-Shirt
Want to help us out in providing a safe and healthy market?
Contact us at [email protected] with questions or Click on the Link & Complete the Application